So, you’re ready to take the next big step in your married life – having a baby! That’s fantastic news! Pregnancy is a magical journey, and at the end of it, you’ll have brought a new life into the world. It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it?
Pregnancy is quite the adventure, and to help you navigate this exciting time, we’ve put together a list of seven key things you should know as you start planning your family:
1. **Your body will go through changes**: The first thing you should know is that pregnancy will bring about many changes in your body. From the first trimester, you’ll notice changes like your areolas darkening and expanding due to rising estrogen and progesterone levels. You might also experience vomiting, headaches, and stiff joints. As you move into the second trimester, your belly will start to grow. By the third trimester, your belly will continue to expand daily, and you might notice changes in your skin texture and hair quality. Pregnancy involves a lot of hormonal changes, so be ready for them!
2. **Sleep might be a challenge**: Pregnancy isn’t just about a growing belly; it can also cause severe backaches starting from the second trimester. As your pelvic bones adjust to make room for your expanding uterus, your backbone and hips will bear the weight of you and your baby, which can lead to backaches that might keep you awake at night. If you’re used to sleeping on your stomach, you’ll need to change that habit quickly! Even after your baby is born, there will be sleepless nights and times when you’ll need to wake up to your baby’s cries. Finding a sleep cycle that works for you and your family can help manage these changes.
3. **You’ll need to adjust your diet**: Your baby deserves the best nutrients, which means you’ll need to cut down on junk food, alcohol, and smoking. Instead, focus on providing your baby with healthy food. Consult an obstetrician to understand the right diet for you during this time.
4. **Expect mood swings**: The hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to mood swings. It’s a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, but the best way to manage these mood swings is to communicate, avoid stress, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
5. **There will be plenty of happy days**: Did you know that during the second trimester of your pregnancy, your body produces more happiness chemicals? This means the hormone that reduces pain, stress, and sadness, and increases happiness will be flowing through your system more frequently and in larger volumes. This can naturally boost your self-esteem and confidence. So, despite the physical discomfort and minor mood swings, make sure you enjoy this journey.
6. **You might feel uncomfortable**: Pregnancy involves rapid and significant changes to your body, which can cause physical stress and mental stress as you work to ensure your and your baby’s health. It’s normal to experience physical discomfort and emotional stress, but don’t let it overwhelm you as it can affect your and your baby’s growth. Consider relaxing massages, laughter therapy, mild workouts, and regular visits to an expert gynecologist.
7. **Choose the best doctor**: It’s important to find a doctor you’re comfortable with during your pregnancy. Don’t settle for just any doctor; choose the best. If you prefer a female gynecologist, there are many excellent ones available. Do your research, ask around, or try out a few before you decide on one.
We hope these tips help you understand what to expect as you take the first step towards planning your family. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so what works for one person might not work for another. Always consult with healthcare professionals for advice tailored to your specific needs. Enjoy this special time in your life!